Our Services

Swimming pools comprise a holistic environment where all the component parts support and benefit the others. As with all synergistic systems, all the parts need to work harmoniously to boost the performance of the whole. To really promote a beautiful and healthy pool, its interior needs to be kept in good condition, its equipment should be energy-saving & well-maintained and regular skilled maintenance & water quality assurance is essential.

quartzon aggregate plaster renovation

Renovations & Resurfacing

A pool needs interior renovation whenever you feel like it needs it or when the existing surface shows unmistakable signs of deterioration.
You can breathe startling new life into your pool simply by investing in a new interior surface and upgrading the tile-work.

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We offer high-quality, energy-saving solutions across the full spectrum of pool filtration and heating equipment. We also engage with constantly emerging new technologies, so that we are able to offer clients the smartest, most eco-friendly solutions available in todays market.

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Pool Valet Auckland

Standard Pool Valets

Busy life-styles, erratic weather patterns, increasingly techno equipment and high pool batherloads can all combine to make regular pool-care a daunting challenge. If you want professional help this summer, we will have a pool valet service option to suit you.

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Contract Valets

Our PCM contract valet options provide an all-inclusive, consistent (always the same) monthly charge, which can be easily set up on automatic payment. These pcm contract options are especially favoured by very busy clients, by clients who travel a lot, by landlords, by bodies corporate and by property managers.

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Our Clients Say

"We are happy to commend Sparkling Pools to other Auckland pool-owners who might be considering pool interior renovations or equipment upgrades, particularly noting their reliability, their professionalism and the obvious pride they take in their work and their products."
Colin Herring, Kumeu, Auckland
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